How It Works


How It Works

Service #1:

Gift WRAPPING requests can check-out via this website's shopping cart OR you can fill out a submission with specifics HERE.



Service #2:

Gift IDEA requests MUST have a gift recipient profile made ***prior*** to checkout on this website. That form can be found HERE

Once that is submitted, your Gift Concierge will look over the details of your submission and immediately send either an ‘Acceptance’ or ‘Rain Check’ email.

If accepted, you will receive a gift idea LIST based on the Recipient profile you send us, with all specs included (links to where to purchase online, cost + shipping, how long it will take to arrive etc.) 

NOTE: We do not sell or hand-deliver physical products for purchase. We solely supply you gift ideas by doing the footwork involved in find-ing a great, thoughtful gift. Our service relieves you of the energy, stress, and brain/creative juice required in researching, price sifting, and the overall hunt process of gifting. Check our FAQ section for additional answers to questions!