
$25.00 USD

#NYE Gratitude Ritual *Kit*

#NYE Gratitude Ritual *Kit*
Sold out

Gift a shift in thinking; this kit is a fun & easy way to remember and reflect on the good.

Starting on January 1st - write down EVERY little positive, good, delightful, serendipitous thing that happens to you in 1 to 2 sentences using sheets from the included notebook pad. Fold it in fours. Write the date (MM/DD/YY) it happened on the visible side of your paper's fold. Then slide it into the Confetti jar lid's slot.

On December 31st - gather your partner or a group of friends/family - in person, via Facetime, Zoom or GMeet, and read them out loud; one by one. Make it an event. A time to celebrate.

Because good things happen ALL the time. Make this an annual tradition and watch your perspective shift year after year.... to positivity and gratitude.

KIT includes: One confetti jar, One 4inch mini composition notebook pad (color will vary), Ten multicolor index card halves, One pen (color/style will vary), & up to 3 mystery bonus items!

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